Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anticipation Guide

"Truth" is no more than a human fabrication.

This is a toughie.  There are many things that we know to be true, but I wrestle with the question how do we know they are true.  People tell us, we read information, we see something for ourselves, but still, how do we know something is true?

We can look at this simply: we know that a rose of a certain hue is red because we were taught at a very young age what the color red looks like and how to identify it.  If someone were taught from a young age that the "red" rose is actually brown and they identify it as such then that is truth to them.  Are they wrong? According to everyone else.  Do they have mean parents?  Yes.

We can look at this in a more complex way, thinking about the article I asked you to read.  Existentialism grew out of scientific advancements because science was proving things that people couldn't understand and shook their idea of reality.  Wait, there were big scary lizards running around the earth?  They were here millions of  years ago?  What?! Imagine what this initial discovery would have been like for some people.  Their idea of history and world was shattered.

So what is truth?  Do we make it up?  I think we make assertions based on what we know, what we have been taught, and our experiences.  It is our truth, but I am not sure if it is the truth.

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