Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This is not my first experience with existentialism, but I find myself getting wrapped up in it each time I teach it.  I like how it encourages, rather requires an individual to continually search for meaning and purpose.  We are responsible for finding our purpose and can't depend on others to do it.  For me, that doesn't mean that we are prohibited from looking to others for advice or influence.  I also don't think finding meaning and purpose is impossible, I like to think it means that you don't have to settle and no one should make you feel like you do have to settle for anything you don't truly beleive or want.

Has anybody seen Revolutionary Road?  It came out a few years ago and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.  It takes place in the 1950's when conformity was all the rage.  Have the house in the suburbs, take the train to the city for work, the wife chats with the neighbors while taking care of the kids.  The Kate Winslet character was unhappy with her life and she thought her husband (DiCaprio) would be the one to provide the purpose she was looking for.  She settled for this life thinking that it would bring her something it never would.  She hated her life.

Existentialism demands that we decide to make our life meaningful.  It tells us to take action.  I am not sure if this is what the founders meant, but it is how I take it.  They would have to accept that since I am supposed to be creating my own truth and meaning anyway.

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